{Goodbye 2009....and Hello 2010}

Two thousand and nine flew by faster than any year before it. I remember as a kid that I couldn't wait to grow up. Now that I am a mommy with my own child, I want time to slow down so that I can savor every second of it before I am faced with a teenager who wants me to drop her off a block away from school! Or even when I have to leave her for her very first day of school. {Sniff, sniff}

I have theorized that the reason that time flies by faster as a person gets older, is because it is relative. The thinking I have behind this is that our perception of time is relative to our experiences. As a five year old kid, we only had 5 years of life experiences and much of it at that point we couldn't remember anyway. A person later in life would have many more life experiences under their belt-- so, a day or a year is just a short amount of time for an adult compared to a day in the life of a child.

Theories about time, aside--they say that time also flies when you are having FUN!! Although 2009 was a tough year for our economy, it forced us to think out of the box, learn to adapt, and be creative. Along with the tough times, 2009 also brought many blessings. My daughter is "numero uno" on my list of blessings, but I was also truly blessed to have worked with so many fabulous couples this year who let me be a part of their special days. Thank you to each and everyone of you who allowed me to do what I LOVE for you. Thanks for allowing me to get to know you and allowing me to be creative!

I am excited to work with fabulous new couples and vendors in 2010. TJD will be coming out with some awesome new projects and promotions very soon, so stop by and visit to see what we have in store.

A special thanks to my family and friends (my hubby and mom especially) for being EXTRA supportive this year. I could not have done it with out you!

From me and my family at TJD to yours: Warm wishes and much love for 2010.

I'll leave you with a picture of my family taken just after Thanksgiving :)

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